Home Up magazines Here some interesting websites


I do have about 20 magazines with a Pacer on the front page, still I need some more time!

If ANYBODY has the mood to rewrite the whole articles and send them per email to me, I will add them here with a nice "thanks" for the free work...

Click on the thumbnails to get it big, but it's big and will take time!

Road and Track , March 75 issue

rat375.JPG (212878 bytes)

cat3752.JPG (172952 bytes)

cat3753.JPG (194621 bytes)

Road and Track, April 75 issue

ratc475.JPG (166208 bytes)  rat4751.JPG (190711 bytes)  rat4752.JPG (239186 bytes)  rat4753.JPG (198668 bytes) rat4754.JPG (197684 bytes)   rat4755.JPG (179942 bytes)  

Car Craft, July 75 issue

cc775.JPG (183161 bytes)

cc7752.JPG (265095 bytes)


Auto retro, February 89 issue

far0289.JPG (199801 bytes)

ar028901.JPG (18481 bytes)

far02891.JPG (421689 bytes)

ar02893.JPG (490029 bytes)

ar02894.JPG (256030 bytes)

Auto Plus, November 5-11, 1996 issue

autoplus0596.JPG (196137 bytes)

autoplus1.JPG (40389 bytes)autoplus11962.JPG (183504 bytes)

Auto retro, April 97 issue

far0497.JPG (171424 bytes)

far04972.JPG (137739 bytes)far04973.JPG (193564 bytes)

far04974.JPG (179911 bytes)far04975.JPG (195284 bytes)


Classic Motor Magasin, December 99 issue

sclassi1299.JPG (218108 bytes)

sclass12992.JPG (342572 bytes)

sclas12993.JPG (359859 bytes)

sclass12994.JPG (184246 bytes)

sclass12995.JPG (174137 bytes)

sclass12996.JPG (353213 bytes)

Of course more to come...